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About PurpleOne Partners Program

Learn about the PurpleOne Partners Program:
Domestic violence agencies from across the nation, united against domestic violence.

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Abusers Don't Stop at State Lines. Neither Do We.

The PurpleOne Program was started by Safe Journey, a domestic violence agency in rural northwestern Pennsylvania, as a coordinated community response to address domestic violence and assist victims in receiving help.

They quickly realized that agencies across the U.S. could utilize the PurpleOne Training to help their own communities unite against domestic violence and that a national network of Safe Places for Domestic Violence Victims would mean that no matter where a victim goes they can receive the help they deserve.

So, today, PurpleOne is available to state-recognized domestic violence agencies that offer comprehensive domestic violence services with the goal of empowering community members who are trained to recognize, respond to and refer victims and empowering victims to get help.

With PurpleOne, no matter where a victim lives, they can know their community supports them in getting help and that if they see a PurpleOne Dot in a business window, they can receive information about the local domestic violence agency and services available to them.

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How the PurpleOne Partner Program Works

PurpleOne Training

Partners are trained and provided resources to implement the PurpleOne Training in their communities. As a Partner, you will receive the PurpleOne Training PowerPoint, which can be customized to add your agency's information; a Facilitator Guide with a word-by-word script; and downloadable participant handouts.

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Safe Places For Domestic Violence Victims Network

As a Partner, your community has access to the Safe Places Network for Domestic Violence Victims. As you train individuals from businesses in your community, they can apply to become Safe Places. Once accepted in the network, these Safe Places become part of the national Safe Place Finder and Safe Places App so victims can locate Safe Places near them.

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Victim Awareness Campaign

One of the most utilized features of the PurpleOne Partners Program is the variety of templated victim awareness materials that are available to you to both help you market your PurpleOne Program and ensure victims receive the help they need. These professionally designed materials range from postcards and brochures to TV commercials and unique educational videos. All can be customized to with your agency's information.

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What drives us

We imagine a world where domestic violence has been eradicated. The only way to do that is through a coordinated effort of many agencies, many individuals and many businesses across the nation coming together -- united -- against domestic violence.

Meet the PurpleOne Executive Team

Professionals from domestic violence agencies partnered with law enforcement and Ph.D.-level experts in violence, trauma, psychology, marketing and learning to develop the PurpleOne Program. Due in part to the blend of practical application meets pedagogy, the PurpleOne Training has been deemed evidence-based and the results in victim response have been unparalleled.

Lori Palisin Headshot
Lori Palisin
Founder & CEO
Michele Evans Heashot
Michelle Evans
Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Melanie Hetzel-Riggen
Melanie Hetzel-Riggin, Ph.D.
Director of Research
Meghan Duda, Ph.D. Headshot
Meghan Duda, Ph.D.
Director of Communication