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Victim Empowerment Campaign

We Can Help You Reach More Victims

The greatest endeavors domestic violence agencies undertake are getting victims to ask for help and educating both victims and the community on domestic violence. PurpleOne's Victim Empowerment Campaign is a boost to your existing efforts.

With more than 100 multimedia assets (and that list grows every month) to choose from, PurpleOne's Victim Empowerment resources will help you launch a victim education and empowerment campaign in no time. These resources coordinate with the PurpleOne Training outreach materials to:

  • Educate the community and victims on domestic violence
  • Invite individuals to the PurpleOne Training
  • Create a coordinated community response
  • Empower your community to Recognize. Respond to. and Refer. victims of domestic violence to your agency
  • Empower victims to get referral information at Safe Places and to seek services through your agency
View a partial asset catalog here!

PurpleOne Presentation

Save Development Time & Money

When you partner with PurpleOne it's like getting a professional team of domestic violence experts, psychologists, social scientists and marketers who specialize in domestic violence and social empowerment at no additional cost! We spent nearly a half million dollars in development and testing so you can utilize these tools and know that they are effective.

You don't have to spend years developing a coordinated strategy with materials and messaging, instead you can do what you do best -- serve survivors of domestic violence and their families.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Victim Awareness Campaign

How do I access the PurpleOne marketing materials?

PurpleOne Partners have access to a Partner-only portal that provides access to the materials that coordinate with their licensing level. Learn more about getting access to the PurpleOne Partner packages.

If I sign up today, will I get access to all the new materials?

Yes! As new materials are developed, they will be available to the appropriate Partner levels at no additional charge!

Do you cover the cost of printing the materials?

We provide you access to customizable digital files and in many cases will cover the costs for agency branding (adding your logo and services to the materials); you are responsible for covering the costs of printing and placement costs (for advertising). However, you will have access to PurpleOne Partner discounted printing through our PurpleOne vendors.

How long will we be able to utilize the materials?

The initial Partner agreements are three years and your one-time cost covers you for all three years. After that 3-year period, Partners can choose to renew annually.

Can I just purchase the Victim Empowerment Campaign without becoming a Partner?

Unfortunately, no. We believe that the Empowerment Campaign is best utilized in conjunction with the full PurpleOne Program and do not have plans, at this time, to separate the Campaign from the other PurpleOne elements.

I would love for your team to help customize materials for our agency.

Great! Our team can assist you with expanding on the materials (graphic design, strategy, writing, video, etc.) for a discounted hourly or project-based rate. Contact us.